Our Homeschool Journey!

Does your kid refuse to do anything that you have planned for him/her? Does that give you stress? Then this is for you. Please keep reading and if you find it useful and helpful please do share it with others who are in this phase!

My kid is loving pattern matching game ever than before. I had tried many ways to introduce this thing in various ways but may be that wasn’t right time to start for him.

I kept introducing him and he kept rejecting it but I never stopped. The main part of the whole process was repetition that I learned myself through this phase. Keep offering the same activity in the different way. The child gets bored very easily. So you have to innovative all the time.

If you give him kitchen utensils then he would be very happy to sort them, stack them or put them in sequence but if you go with paper and pen then he used to happily reject it or sometimes he threw the toys as well by saying he doesn’t want to do!!

Initially, I used to be a kind of upset as my thinking process was completely wrong and my expectations were too high from him and that made me even more upset that he isn’t showing any interest.

BUT It is okay if your child doesn’t want to do the things you have planned. Have patience and go slow. No one can better understand your child and his/her needs than you.

Here are few pointers that helped me ease my journey.

  • Observe the child’s behaviour. This will help you understand the child’s interest.
  • Do not interrupt while the child is busy doing his/her things.
  • Don’t force the child to do anything. Offer the choice and allow the child to take the decision.
  • Do not get trapped into comparison. It is not be healthy way to prepare the child.
  • Each child is different, each child learns at her own pace.
  • Involve the child into your daily chores like drying laundry, stacking utensils, folding laundry, dusting, etc which indirectly help them develop their fine motor and gross motor skills.
  • Keep the things easy and don’t keep high expectations. Your child may show interest but may not finish it! And it is completely fine! 👍
  • Keep introducing different activities but design it keeping child’s interest in mind. For e.g Simply asking him to do line tracing would not interest him but if I ask him to help Incy Wincy spider to climb up the spot and trace the path he will happily do it.
  • Design/Prepare the activity considering child’s attention span.
  • Connect with your child before correcting them.

This does not mean that I don’t face any struggle! I still face difficulties and need to figure them out! But now it is manageable ever than before!

Do let me know in the comment box below about your journey. Will be happy to read.

Happy Parenting!





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